Aerial view of the UZH main building

About the Cen­ter

Dedicated to Child and Youth Development

The Center’s vision is to build a holistic understanding of decision-making, market forces, and the cost-benefits of breastfeeding, to ultimately guide policy formation and interventions which improve the well-being of children, families, and society.

The LRF CEB aims to achieve its vision by:

  • establishing a world-leading research center focused on the social and market dynamics of breastfeeding and infant nutrition, keeping questions that are especially relevant to low- and middle-income countries front and center,
  • developing core infrastructure and expertise to sustain long-term projects (or inquiries/studies) with major translational impact, and
  • rapidly translating scientific discoveries into practice through collaboration with expert partners and by disseminating key findings to key stakeholders in child nutrition and child health (i.e., the scientific community, clinical practitioners, policymakers, and consumers).


The cen­ter is home to a num­ber of af­fil­i­at­ed re­searchers. They all fo­cus on re­search projects with­in the scope of the cen­ter’s mis­sion: to con­duct high-qual­i­ty re­search that will ul­ti­mate­ly im­prove the lives of chil­dren and young adults.

Prof. Anne Brenøe

Larsson-Rosenquist Foundation Assistant Professor of Child and Youth Development with a focus on breastfeeding

Short Bio

Anne Ardi­la Brenøe is an As­sis­tant Pro­fes­sor at the De­part­ment of Eco­nom­ics and Re­search Di­rec­tor of the LRF Cen­ter for Eco­nom­ics of Breast­feed­ing at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Zurich. Her pri­ma­ry re­search in­ter­ests are in ap­plied mi­cro­eco­nom­ics. In par­tic­u­lar, she is in­ter­est­ed in la­bor eco­nom­ics, eco­nom­ics of ed­u­ca­tion, and child de­vel­op­ment. She is es­pe­cial­ly in­ter­est­ed in how child­hood con­di­tions and ex­pe­ri­ences af­fect the ac­cu­mu­la­tion of hu­man cap­i­tal. Her cur­rent re­search fo­cus­es on caus­es and con­se­quences of gen­der dif­fer­ences in the la­bor mar­ket and child nu­tri­tion.

Anne Ardi­la Brenøe did her PhD in Eco­nom­ics at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Copen­ha­gen. More­over, she has a Mas­ter of Sci­ence in Eco­nom­ics from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Copen­ha­gen and one in Eco­nom­ic De­mog­ra­phy from Lund Uni­ver­si­ty. She is af­fil­i­at­ed with IZA and the Cen­ter for Eco­nom­ic Be­hav­ior and In­equal­i­ty (CEBI) at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Copen­ha­gen. Anne Ardi­la Brenøe is also part of the UZH Uni­ver­si­ty Re­search Pri­or­i­ty Pro­grams Equal­i­ty of Op­por­tu­ni­ty and Hu­man Re­pro­duc­tion Re­loaded.

Research Interests

Child de­vel­op­ment, la­bor eco­nom­ics, eco­nom­ics of ed­u­ca­tion, ap­plied mi­cro­econo­met­rics, ed­u­ca­tion and health

Personal Homepage

Prof. Anne Brenøe’s homepage at the Department of Economics UZH

Prof. David Yanagizawa-Drott

Professor of Development and Emerging Markets

Short Bio

David Yana­g­iza­wa-Drott joined the De­part­ment of Eco­nom­ics at Uni­ver­si­ty of Zurich in 2016, as Pro­fes­sor of De­vel­op­ment and Emerg­ing Mar­kets. He is the Di­rec­tor of the Lars­son-Rosen­quist Foun­da­tion Cen­ter for Eco­nom­ics of Breast­feed­ing. Be­fore join­ing Uni­ver­si­ty of Zurich, he was an As­so­ci­ate Pro­fes­sor of Pub­lic Pol­i­cy at Har­vard Uni­ver­si­ty, John F. Kennedy School of Gov­ern­ment. He did his PhD in Eco­nom­ics at IIES Stock­holm Uni­ver­si­ty, ac­quired in 2010.

His re­search in­ter­ests in­clude de­vel­op­ment eco­nom­ics and po­lit­i­cal econ­o­my, with a cur­rent fo­cus on the dri­vers of cul­ture and norms in shap­ing la­bor mar­kets for men and women; the role of so­cial me­dia and ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence in so­ci­ety, and health care in de­vel­op­ing coun­tries. An­oth­er pri­or­i­ty is the de­vel­op­ment and test­ing of a new re­search and teach­ing con­cept that aims at search­ing for scal­able so­lu­tions to press­ing so­ci­etal chal­lenges, the So­cial Cat­a­lyst Lab.

Research Interests

Eco­nom­ic de­vel­op­ment and po­lit­i­cal econ­o­my, with spe­cial fo­cus on civ­il con­flicts, health, in­for­ma­tion and mass me­dia

Personal Homepage

Prof. David Yanagizawa-Drott’s homepage at the Department of Economics UZH

Affiliated Researchers

Advisory Board


For general requests as well as for
press inquiries

Prof. Anne Brenøe
Phone+41 44 634 61 53

Uni­ver­si­ty of Zurich
LRF Cen­ter for Eco­nom­ics of Breast­feed­ing

Schön­berggasse 1
CH-8001 Zurich

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